Sunday, August 20, 2006

Link-based Classification

Author: Lise Getoor
Advanced Methods for Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data,2005

What are links?
  • links between objects representing an explicit or implicit relationship
Link-based classification
  • type of link mining
Usage of link-based classification
  • mining social networks
  • bibilographic citation data
  • epidemiological data
  • any domain that can be described by a link or graph structure
  • document classification based on content and properties of cited and co-cited documents

Paper: Sequence Data Mining

Sequence Data Mining
Sunita Sarawagi
Advanced Methods for Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data,2005

What is a sequence?
An ordered set of pairs (t1, x1)...(tn,xn) where ti is an ordered attribute like time and xi is an element value

Data Mining Operations on Sequences:
  1. Sequence Classification
  2. Sequence Clustering
  3. Sequence Tagging
  4. Sequence Segmentation